Ethereum Classic Releases Emerald Wallet v0.10.0 Candidate 4 Version

by Kristina Pavlova

The update resolves two significant issues - pending transactions cannot be stored in local storage anymore and the epool.op remote endpoint bug is fixed now.

The developer team improved the UI design, the address book functionality. Furthermore, the UX incorporates a two-step transaction sending wizard. The source code of the wallet has been cleaned up and the “FontAwesame” icons have been changed with Emerald Icons. Last, yet not least, the unused and removed smart contracts tool has been fixed.

One of Ethereum Classic’s main clients - Classic Geth, contributed to the success of multiple projects like the ‘Emerald Platform’ in order to help users explore and develop dApps based on the ETC blockchain.

The Emerald Wallet is open to the end users. Sputnik VM is a modular, standalone, embeddable function of Ethereum Virtual Machine, which is maintained by the Ethereum Classic Developers Team (ETCDEV). The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) processes scripts through a global network of public nodes.

Ethereum Classic can be stored in crypto wallets, such as the recently released Emerald wallet. The ETCDEV team remind users to make sure they are using a full node to prevent any issues.