Etherscan Is Down, Problems With Other Crypto Websites As Well

by Pavel Petrov

One of the main purposes of a blockchain is to be fast, secure and transparent. One of the leaders in block research, Etherscan, however, was inaccessible this morning due to technical difficulties. Etherscan managed to climb into the world’s top block exploring software products to date. Nevertheless, they too suffered from software problems. No information is yet public from Etherscan’s officials, but the primary cause of the downtime is most probably API incompatibility.

Other crypto data giants, such as Coin360 and Coinmarketcap also experienced technical difficulties. Coinmarketcap was also accused of manipulating trading volume data.

This is not the first time Etherscan is down. Reports show problems in November 2017 and April 2018.

How APIs changed the game?

APIs are developers’ best friends, regarding complex data sourcing from multiple instances. An API gives companies and developers easy access to many useful features, such as address lookup and transaction history.

APIs are ensuring the Blockchain remains secure and transparent, without blockchain fintech startups having to invest large amounts of cash for research and development.

So, if Etherscan is down, what are the alternatives?

Many companies are relying on their API development and research, but nowadays fintech owners are more and more shifting towards third-party API solutions, as they are less expensive in the long run. is another excellent alternative to in-house custom API integration. Users can monitor the state of four main blockchain networks – Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin. is also allowing testnets monitoring, such as Ethereum’s Ropsten and Rinkeby. Users can also monitor Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin testnets.

CryptoAPIs recently made a mark in the crypto field with their real-time blockchain and exchange APIs. Providing real-time data is the most critical thing in the fast-paced world of cryptocurrencies. The company offers dedicated blockchain, crypto market, exchange, and private wallets APIs. The possibilities are endless – users can create and manage wallets, get push notifications for blockchain events, and KYC and AML management. Trading automation, automatic hot to cold wallet transfers, and live data feeds are also available.