GCOX Brings Blockchain, Celebrities and Fans Together

by Anthony Lehrman

The recently released Global Crypto Offering Exchange received direct celebrity endorsement by the famous singer Jason Derulo. The global hitmaker with over 30 million copies sold, is already a user on their platform. Other celebs include Liverpool superstar Michael Owen and the controversial politician Manny Pacquiato.

“We will not stop to expand our superstar line-up,” GCOX’s Head of Communications Evan Ngow said. “Both Jason, Paqiato, and Owen are growing their fan bases every day, and we can help people to get closer to their favorite stars.”

Stars like Derulo can monetize their popularity through various new techniques – selling official merchandise, offering tickets and much more. Owen and Pacquiato are also offering their own crypto tokens – OWN and PAC, exclusively on GCOX. People can also support charity celebs often organize.

GCOX is built on the Acclaim blockchain and is designed to support and provide benefits for celebrities through their life cycle of fame. GCOX could help uprising artist to sell more copies, to increase show attendance, and to solidify their name on the scene.

Existing celebrities can harness the power of their fan base and promote their new art, ideas, and hold on to their momentum. Those celebrities who have fallen off the spotlight can re-establish themselves by selling memorabilia, props, signed postcards and initiate many activities.

GCOX’s whitepaper differentiates three kinds of celebrities, which will be working with different types of platforms. The “Celebpreneur” type of stars can display their business on the global crypto exchange market and gain investments from fans.

The second platform is focused on creating a closer connection between celebrities and their fans. Anything from personalized video birthday cards, live-streaming events, and group chatting can be achieved through celebrities’ tokens.

The third platform focuses on the charity activity of celebrities – stars can support good causes and create awareness for their fans, helping the crowdfunding of the cause.

Presently, more than 60 employees work for GCOX. Many of them are located in Singapore, but there are some technical specialists in Vietnam and Malaysia.

The company is getting ready to launch its blockchain and exchange at the end of Q3. By the end of the year, all three celebrity platforms will be operable and deployed.