Lisk Core 1.0.1. Release

by Marina Petkova

Through the JavaScript utilized Sidechain Development Kit (SDK) developers will be able to build blockchain applications with customizable tokens.

The newly released patch - Lisk Core 1.0.1., is compatible with the previous version Lisk Core 1.0.0.

Users are not obliged to update the system as long as they are not affected by some of the technical issues found in the former version. The team of Lisk, however, recommends using Lisk Core 1.0.1.

The Co-founder and CEO, Max Kordek, believes that the official release is an achievement in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry.

Lisk Core 1.0.1. features a SocketCluster library that is an HTTP+ server engine. It allows users to create real-time servers and utilize CPU cores. The update includes an API extension, new code refactors, and a full test suite rewrite.

The co-founder and CTO - Oliver Beddows, made a statement about the importance of the brand-new Lisk Core and how the whole team has worked hard to develop more than 40 versions to ensure the improvement of scalability and stability to the ecosystem. 

A redesigned peer-to-peer layer is also part of the latest update. It is designed to maximize the performance of the network. Users can stay connected and exchange data freely.

Kordek, the CEO of Lisk, added that the reason behind the update is to democratize the technology and make it comprehensible and accessible to everyone.  

Some of the technical issues that were found in the previous Lisk Core and were changed are the Docker configuration file. Because it was outdated, the template was fixed and the relevant section was renewed.

The API endpoint, which is also used by third-party applications, and the Lisk Explorer were improved and can be installed on the Testnet.