Metamask Wallet App Suspension Is Lifted By Google

by Pavel Petrov

Google and cryptocurrencies seem to be in a “cold war,” as the search engine giant banned Metamask’s Ethereum (ETH) wallet and dApp from Google’s Play Store app. The ban, according to an official press release from Metamask is due to “violating Google’s financial services policy.”

Google banned Metamask’s android client without any warnings. In fact, Google cited its “non-cryptocurrency mining on mobile devices” policy on numerous occasions. MetaMask’s team tried to appeal to Google’s decision, but without success, as Google rejected the appeal.

Dan Findlay, co-lead developer at Metamask, showed his concerns about Google censoring apps and content, related to cryptocurrencies.

„I believe it was just a mistake. Taking for example the recent YouTube crypto content ban, it’s unclear how a tech giant like Google is adapting to decentralized ledger technologies. If a technology hegemon acts like this, people would eventually accept such behavior”, Findlay added.

As of press time, Google restored Metamask’s android client on its Play store. The restoring process, however, didn’t go without “careful consideration” from the search engine giant. The accusations of “mobile crypto mining” were proven wrong from the MetaMask team, citing their android client is just a wallet with a browser extension to run dApps. Metamask also had some “copycat” issues, as Metamask’s client was “cloned” from illicit parties. One of the recent cases included an app with clipper malware into its code. The malware swaps private keys so that deposited cash goes right into the hands of hackers.

Google, on the other hand, has been on the hunt for crypto-related content in the past week, removing hundreds of YouTube videos with pertinent to the crypto and blockchain field content. However, Google stated later on that the video deletion was an “error” and they would get back the erased content.