TRON Transforms Content Delivery in Partnership with BitTorrent

by Anthony Lehrman

TRON has teamed up with the peer-to-peer file sharing platform BitTorrent in Project Atlas in their bid to offer the best-decentralized solution.

The TRON blockchain will provide an in-client token economy that is set to become a boundless economy. It aims to improve the existing BitTorrent platform.

Justin Sun, the crypto‘s CEO, shared that through Bittorrent‘s special extensions, Atlas will stimulate active participation. Users will be rewarded with tokens after they seed a torrent.

Earlier this month, the team collected user feedback on the project and the teams are already gathering together to share the best of their specialism to one another.

The idea behind the project comes from Satoshi Nakamoto. The creator of Bitcoin published a statement in Cryptography Mailing List 10 years ago where he says that tokens should take advantage of the effects of a large-scale network such as a file-trading network.

A new custom token is currently under development to improve the current flaws of BitTorrent‘s platform. It will allow the 100 million clients of the software to exchange value globally. Project Atlas will not support mining, as it focuses only on trading tokens.

In addition to Atlas, the Tron Foundation announced the launch of its Virtual Machine earlier this month. According to Justin Sun, it can increase the capacity of the platform by processing over 1 million transactions daily. The Tron Virtual Machine is compatible with other similar technologies like the Ethereum one.

Another partner of the company is – a gaming platform based on the blockchain. It started accepting TRX as a cryptocurrency for in-app purchases.

The Tron network is growing tremendously. The official release date of Project Atlas has not been published yet, but the release of Tron‘s newest development tools – TronLink, Tron Remix, TronWeb, and TronTruffle will pave the way to an innovative future.

The crypto community will be able to find out more details about Project Atlas directly from TRON and BitTorrent's team during a live streaming on Youtube on September 28th - 7 PM (PST).