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Bittrex is a cryptocurrency exchange, which is focused on crypto to crypto trading and is located in the United States. The trading pairs offered on the platform include Ethereum, Darkcoin, NeuCoin, Nextcoin, and Litecoin into Bitcoin. Bittrex users can secure their account with the two-factor authentication (2FA). The Bittrex trading platform also offers a custom trading engine, which was designed to be scalable and to ensure that orders are executed in real-time. The Bittrex team has developed dependable digital wallets, which are designed for customers demanding rapid trade execution.

# Name Market Price Trade Date Volume 24h Volume Percent
201 Europecoin ERC/BTC $0.158 19 Sep 2018 13:59:08 $148 0.07%
202 Bitcoin CSP/BTC $0.0016189 09 Feb 2020 04:26:22 $147 0.07%
203 Exclusivecoin EXCL/BTC $0.180 08 Apr 2021 09:06:15 $147 0.07%
204 Bitcoin BTC/EUR $56691.02 08 Apr 2021 10:15:15 $147 0.07%
205 Globalcoin GLC/BTC $0.0807 02 Jul 2019 16:06:49 $145 0.07%
206 Memessenger MET/BTC $3.15 08 Apr 2021 10:15:14 $143 0.06%
207 Tether IRIS/USDT $0.206 08 Apr 2021 08:29:53 $142 0.06%
208 AdEx ADX/ETH $1.33 08 Apr 2021 01:59:19 $141 0.06%
209 Coinmagi XMG/BTC $0.0658 19 Sep 2018 13:50:54 $140 0.06%
210 Bitcoin ORBS/BTC $0.172 08 Apr 2021 09:50:30 $140 0.06%
211 Ethereum WAXP/ETH $0.223 08 Apr 2021 10:15:16 $138 0.06%
212 Blockmasoncreditprotocol BCPT/BTC $0.0582 02 Jul 2019 15:27:39 $136 0.06%
213 BLOCKv VEE/BTC $0.0063551 08 Apr 2021 09:09:52 $131 0.06%
214 Golem GNT/BTC $0.0516 09 Feb 2020 08:08:59 $129 0.06%
215 Sequence SEQ/BTC $0.0130 02 Jul 2019 15:41:06 $120 0.05%
216 Metal MTL/BTC $4.91 08 Apr 2021 09:14:11 $119 0.05%
217 Atomiccoin ATOM/USDT $20.73 08 Apr 2021 10:16:13 $118 0.05%
218 Chainlink LINK/BTC $32.20 08 Apr 2021 10:14:24 $116 0.05%
219 Basicattentiontoken BAT/USD $1.21 08 Apr 2021 10:14:15 $115 0.05%
220 Rubycoin RBY/BTC $0.371 19 Sep 2018 12:00:26 $114 0.05%


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