Finished 2321 Days ago
0.0165 USD
Pre-start date
31 Dec 1969
Pre-end date
31 Dec 1969



AlphaMarket (AMC) is an ERC20 token, which was launched in April 2018. It is a crypto-trading platform, which provides an access to international markets and cost-free arrangement of products, detailed sales analysis and an advertising support of business

AlphaMarket (AMC) is an ERC20 token, which was launched in April 2018. It is a crypto-trading platform, which provides an access to international markets and cost-free arrangement of products, detailed sales analysis and an advertising support of business. AMC token is a growing investment asset. The platform users could purchase any kind of goods and receive bonuses and cashback. Dmitry Ivanov is a co-founder and developer of the token. He has a background as an investor and business analyst.


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