Finished 1905 Days ago
Hard cap
21000000 USD
Pre-start date
23 Feb 2018
Pre-end date
19 Nov 2018


Data & Hardware

Behavior Exchange provides website identification and automatically personalizes content for websites.

Through the combination of Artificial Intelligence and blockchain technology, the platform
will evaluate the user profile and provide them with a personalized offer of products, services, or
content. Users who activate their account will be rewarded with BEX tokens.
When a client with a Behavior Exchange cookie visits the service provider's website, the service will
inform the website in real time about the demographic and psychographic characteristics of the
visitor. In this way, the site automatically displays the specific product or service content that is
suitable for the visitor.
Every visit on the company's website is recorded in the Big Data transaction database. Companies
will be able to pay Behavior Exchange for BEX tokens and receive discounts. Online visitors can pay
for goods and services with BEX tokens and be rewarded with special offers.


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