Finished 1661 Days ago
1 COI token = 0.07 USD
Token Standard
Soft Cap
5,000,000 USD
Hard cap
47,000,000 USD
Restricted areas
South Korea; People’s Republic of China; State of Israel; United States
Pre-start date
10 Oct 2019
Pre-end date
09 Jan 2020

Carbon Offset Initiative

Energy & Utilities

Carbon Offset Initiative is a green solution for waste and data traceability in different industrial spheres, using innovative blockchain technology to enhance productivity in collecting, tracking and recycling waste from different sources. Our mission is to help organisations and enterprises save energy, reduce costs and build broader commercial value while addressing environmental and social issues.

Carbon footprint and pollution are increasing in front of our eyes and in order to get back on right track we have to change our habits and act together, only together we can change present environmental issues, save our habitat and preserve Earth’s natural resources for further generations.
Let’s make a difference together, while it’s not too late.

Carbon Offset Initiative is a green solution for waste and data traceability in different industrial spheres, using innovative blockchain technology to enhance productivity in collecting, tracking and recycling waste from different sources.
Our mission is to help organisations and enterprises save energy, reduce costs and build broader commercial value while addressing environmental and social issues.


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