Finished 2283 Days ago
1 CLX = 0.25 USD
Soft Cap
15,000 ETH
Hard cap
277,777 ETH
Pre-start date
31 Dec 1969
Pre-end date
31 Dec 1969


Trading & Investments

Coinolix is a multifunctional ecosystem for the exchange of cryptocurrencies, which has a robust crypto asset exchange platform

Coinolix is a multifunctional ecosystem for the exchange of cryptocurrencies, which has a robust crypto asset exchange platform. A large number of trading requests can be countered with the adaptable and expandable engine in just a few moments. The Coinolix exchange keeps most of the assets in cold storage which is not present on the web server to provide security to the users’ funds. Exchange services include spot market trading, margin trading, futures market trading. It provides device coverage on different platforms on any browser-based trading platform, Android and IOS, PC platform (Windows, Mac, Linux), REST API. There are zero trading fees for CLX token holders and they can also benefit from the token buy-out and burning program. 24/7 customer service with fast response time to solve customer problems. Coins can be earned by participating in promotional activities on the Coinolix website.


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