Finished 2096 Days ago
Token Standard
Pre-start date
31 Dec 1969
Pre-end date
31 Dec 1969


Social Network

Fanfare is a social commerce platform, that will help strengthen the connection between brands and consumers. The social commerce market has grown rapidly in the last few years and it is expected to reach 165 billion USD by 2021.

Fanfare is a social commerce platform, that will help strengthen the connection between brands and consumers. The social commerce market has grown rapidly in the last few years and it is expected to reach 165 billion USD by 2021.

The biggest problem of the market is that brand owners cannot track accurately and monetize all the user-generated content. In many cases, content creators are not rewarded adequately for their videos. Fanfare aims to solve this problem by building a sustainable ecosystem, at the heart of which will be the FAN Token.

Brands will reward creators by monetizing and promoting their videos to shoppable videos. Users of the platform will receive FAN Tokens based on the number of videos they have watched and can later use the tokens to purchase goods on the Fanfare platform.

The planning of the Fanfare App began in 2016 in Singapore by a talented team of developers, with years of experience in both marketing and computer science. The platform is currently running an ICO campaign until 31st of October 2018.



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