Finished 1720 Days ago
$ 0.10
Soft Cap
$ 900,000
Hard cap
$ 9.00M
Pre-start date
24 Oct 2019
Pre-end date
24 Dec 2019

Hustle App

Blockchain Infrastructure

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The Hustle App is designed to reward you for participating in fitness and staying healthy.

The Hustle App is designed to reward you for participating in fitness and staying healthy. Earn bonus token rewards for helping others to stay fit & healthy through group fitness and exercise. The App includes a built in wallet and token transfer to convert HUSL Tokens to BTC, ETH. or USD.

It‘s a TOTALLY FREE app with no memberships or fees of any kind All you need to do is participate.

The App can connect you with like-minded people. Multiple smart watch platforms are available. This inspires motivation through group fitness and support. You also have the option to be connected with professional athletes, professional trainers and healthy food providers to assist you with your training & diet in order to attain your goals.


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