Finished 2316 Days ago
1 LNW = 0.01 USD
Token Standard
Soft Cap
800,000 USD
Hard cap
8,000,000 USD
Pre-start date
18 Jun 2018
Pre-end date
17 Aug 2018

Lancer Network


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Lancer Network originates from Russia and its main idea is to be a platform which, through carefully targeted ads and social media management, will attract users to promising ICOs and other crypto projects.

Lancer Network originates from Russia and its main idea is to be a platform which, through carefully targeted ads and social media management, will attract users to promising ICOs and other crypto projects. The platform will provide the resources for users who need advertising and professionals who can offer such services to find each other and to discover outstanding talents.

Lancer will be accessible to the mass public, as it aims to become a hub for users with or without technical knowledge, giving everyone a chance to earn a profit. Equal distribution to all members is to be achieved through fair online-earning opportunities. Offering project-owners the opportunity to connect with advertisers opens many possibilities for smaller, but quality products to get the attention they deserve and to step out of the shadow of the bigger players.


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