Finished 2308 Days ago
0.0004 USD
Pre-start date
12 Nov 2018
Pre-end date
12 Nov 2018



The leading crypto community in South Korea where member share information and in return they receive a reward. The incentive-based platform gives the reward based on how useful the information is to the community. The website incorporates all the crypto-related information shared on social media platforms and other channels.

The leading crypto community in South Korea where member share information and in return they receive a reward. The incentive-based platform gives the reward based on how useful the information is to the community. The website incorporates all the crypto-related information shared on social media platforms and other channels.

The MNC coin is the internal currency of the ecosystem and is what users get as a reward for sharing content. The coin can also be obtained by purchasing it on exchanges. Tokens can be transferred or converted into M-power. This indicates the rating of each user and is also a means to multiply rewards significantly – if a post is liked by a person with high M-power, e.g., a 100, then the author of the post will get a 100 times more rewards from this like than from the like of a person who has 1 M-power. The reward is thus proportional to the amount of M-power generated by the likers, not to the likes themselves.



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