Finished 2289 Days ago
1 SUP = 0.33 USD
Token Standard
Soft Cap
1,000,000 USD
Hard cap
29,985,999 USD
Pre-start date
15 Nov 2018
Pre-end date
15 Nov 2018



Supload aims to reshape content creators rewarding systems. It aims to disrupt the host-centric model of content sharing by replacing the centralized market activity coordinated by websites like Youtube, Facebook, and Reddit, with a single market for content hosting and sharing. Hence, Supload is a decentralized platform for monetization of the user-created content and sharing the advertisers’ revenue generated by their content through cryptocurrency.

Supload aims to reshape content creators rewarding systems. It aims to disrupt the host-centric model of content sharing by replacing the centralized market activity coordinated by websites like Youtube, Facebook, and Reddit, with a single market for content hosting and sharing. Hence, Supload is a decentralized platform for monetization of the user-created content and sharing the advertisers’ revenue generated by their content through cryptocurrency.

Supload connects marketers, content creators and users through a cryptographic monetary instrument – the SUP token. SUP is an ERC223 compliant token that ensures safe transfer and decentralized storage of users’ assets. The platform’s design includes minimal entry barriers - content creators just have to sign up for an account and create a cryptocurrency wallet.

The USA-based project team describes it as the latest and newest faucet, established back in 2005 as a file and image sharing service. It was relaunched in 2016 as a content monetization platform and has been taken a step further in 2018 by becoming a decentralized platform for social media.

The utilities available in the SUP token within the social media ecosystem of Supload include profit sharing generated from the content views.


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