Finished 2373 Days ago
0.0001 USD
Pre-start date
01 Aug 2018
Pre-end date
06 Aug 2018

Tipbot v1


Tipbot v1 platform is developed as a payment getaway for anything a user could think. It aims to become the standard in real-world tipping so that users can tip a plumber, waiter, electrician, friend, delivery driver, family, stranger or anyone in the world by using the platform native cryptocurrency called TIP.

Tipbot v1 platform is developed as a payment getaway for anything a user could think. It aims to become the standard in real-world tipping so that users can tip a plumber, waiter, electrician, friend, delivery driver, family, stranger or anyone in the world by using the platform native cryptocurrency called TIP. TIP is a standard ERC20 token. Through a series of platforms and apps, users are promised the freedom to pay for services, tip anyone and even mint new tokens by using the Proof of Stake platform. The team behind Tipbot v1 plan on creating an app for the most popular social media platforms, as users will be able to tip any contributor they like, and recipients will receive an auto-generated wallet without transaction fees or commission charges. TIPbot is powered by the Ethereum network. The ICO has started on 1 August 2018 and is scheduled to end on 15 October 2018. The soft cap is 5000 USD and the hard cap is 500,000 USD. The USA is a restricted country.



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