Finished 2698 Days ago
Pre-start date
16 Aug 2018
Pre-end date
16 Aug 2018


Gaming & VR

UnikoinGold is an ICO oriented towards the gaming industry.

UnikoinGold is an ICO oriented towards the gaming industry. It aims to improve the virtual economy by creating three different tokens - Unikoin, UnikoinGold, and UnikoinSilver. The second two are built to replace the original Unikoin and to enhance its features. UnikoinSilver can’t be withdrawn from the platform and is earned by competing in games and participating in events. UnikoinGold will be used for the utilization of the platform and the creation of community-driven crypto economy.  The tokens are decentralized, and the process of trading with them is transparent as the data is accessible to every user in the network.


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