Finished 1884 Days ago
1 VENUS = 0.00225 EUR
Soft Cap
14,799,160 EUR
Hard cap
30,101,460 EUR
Restricted areas
USA, China
Pre-start date
01 Feb 2019
Pre-end date
01 Mar 2019


Energy & Utilities

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Every year, mankind is consuming more and more energy. The electricity of the burned fuel is used to dig the cryptocurrency. Since the exchange rate of the currencies is currently falling, there is a need to buy more powerful miners. The VenusEnergy team supports the idea of the pure world and seeks to propagate the use of renewable energy sources in daily activities. VenusEnergy offers to use electricity from renewable energy sources to mine cryptocurrency. This is especially relevant for server farms that consume a very large amount of energy. It is worth investing in the VenusEnergy project not only for a beautiful idea of having a cleaner world but also for the financial benefits.

VENUSENERGY – Go Green for Future Generations.

The first investors, until the end of the Soft Cap fund collection, will receive 50% more than the token amount invested during the ICO period. And when buying Hard Cap funds, the investor gets 20% more tokens until the end of the ICO.
At the end of the ICO period, Venus tokens will be uploaded into the Crypto exchange offices, where you can invest in buying and selling of the tokens.
VENUS Token holders for mining will get 20% cheaper energy than the cheapest energy sold in the EU (Our price: 0.032 EU per 1 KWh).
You can mine up to 24 different cryptocurrencies on the three most popular platforms: SHA256, Ethash and Equihash.
If mining becomes unprofitable, VENUSENERGY and the customer can agree to halt the mining and the customer will receive a lump sum for electricity.
The Problem

The process of mining new coins requires both energy and computing capacities. The consumption of electric energy is becoming very big, while the remuneration received for the performed computations is not big enough to defray the incurred electric energy expenses. The earnings from mining depend on the price of electric energy and the probability to receive a computed hash value. This probability, in its turn, depends on the amount of the computing capacities. Today’s primary sources of energy are mainly non-renewable: natural gas, oil, coal, peat, and conventional nuclear power. All thermal power plants produce waste heat energy as a by-product of the useful electrical energy produced. Such a significant discharge of harmful greenhouse gases into the air encourages the greenhouse effect, which causes irreversible effects for the earth and ever-augmenting global warming.

The Solution

The VenusEnergy team offers a solution involving the use of renewable energy sources. Using of renewable energy sources for the production of electric energy, which is to be used for the performance of cryptocurrency mining works, significantly decrease expenses on electricity, meaning that profit received for the works performed is bigger. Also, this leads to saving nature and decreasing the greenhouse effect.

The Token

VenusEnergy IEO started on 1st of April 2019. Their token, the VENUS, is available for purchase on ExMarkets exchange website, at a price of 0.001125 EUR / Token.

VenusEnergy has aimed at all qualified and unskilled investors who wish to invest in the crypto mining sector in a very profitable and sustainable way through the services that VenusEnergy, where tokens will be sold. VENUS tokens will give access to the rental of mining machines.

The Team

Behind this very promising project, we can find a dedicated team, made of skilful specialists from various fields, such as IT, business and product development, finance, marketing. Each team member is unique and valued for that, among the best and brightest in the business, and takes pride in his or her achievements and the success of others.

Business model

The strategic goal of the VenusEnergy project is to build cryptocurrency mining farms and to supply these farms with electricity produced from renewable electricity sources made by wind power plants in Lithuania. The Lithuanian coastal region is ideal for windmills, as the region has the highest wind strength in the country. According to the meteorological center's indicators, the annual average wind power - in which the wind turbine wings revolve - is between 6.5 and 7.5 m/s in the coastal region.

Due to the geographical location of Lithuania, the most efficient way is the exploitation of wind power plants. Especially on the Baltic Sea coast, where even with the minimum wind power of 3.5 m/s, electricity will be produced for 365 days. According to the financial estimates provided, investing in wind power plants in the Lithuanian coastal region is profitable. The investment pays off in about 8 years (BEP = 8). A high ROI ratio of 12.5% indicates a good return on investment.


The VenusEnergy ICO’s primary goal is to allocate the collected money for researches of how to increase the efficiency of plants capable of generating electricity from renewable energy sources. The secondary goal is to allocate the ICO-collected money for generating energy from renewable energy sources. This can be the answer to the energy problem for the stabilization of carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases. In addition, by replacing energy generation plants that use conventional resources, they lead to a reduction in the emission of other pollutants. Future development of the digital currency crucially depends on the long-term availability of the energy in increasing quantities from sources that are dependable, safe, and environmentally sound. Energy is too important for its development to continue in such a random manner. A safe, environmentally sound, and economically viable energy pathway that will sustain blockchain technologies, and not only, is clearly imperative. It is also possible, with VenusEnergy. If you want to conduct your own research and find more about this project, but also about the digital currency technology, the renewable energy sources, and the connection between them, VenusEnergy’s website is a good place to start from.


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