The First EOS Hackathon Winners Finally Revealed

by Luchezar Simeonov

On the 9th and 10th June over 350 developers, marketers, and UX/UI designers entered the Hong-Kong based launching round of the EOS Hackathon. In 48 hours, 90 teams were racing against time and each other in their bid to become one of the top teams.  

Earlier this year EOS, the publisher of the EOSIO blockchain protocol and the owner of the year-long initial EOS coin offering, created a buzz in the crypto community with the first of its kind global hackathon, consisting of 5 events around the world.

The Kai Tai Cruise Terminal in Hong Kong saw the first 22 winners of a total of $144,000 in prizes, varying from $3000 to $100 000. The top three winners received the right to compete at the final event in December.

The winners of the Hong Kong-based competition under the theme “Decentralized Applications (DAPPs) for Scale” are as follows:

  1. IDPass: A team of 5 with Greg Martel as the leader. Their project about self-sovereign identity for global citizens with no formal documentation grabbed the first prize and $100,000.

  2. Blockflare: 3 entrants from Singapore and Hong Kong that developed a project about Decentralized Anti-DDoS Protection and won $25,000.

  3. Ducatur: The team of 4 slavs and European residents introduced a cross-chain trustless Decentralized Exchange with the speed of Centralized Exchanges and won $10,000.

Additionally, the teams “Small Cities Steroids,” “WarrantEase” and “Loan Block” claimed $3,000 each as Best Social Impact, Best Social Experience, and Best Social Post awards. Small Cities Steroids will join the top three winners at the Grand Finale.

Following the awarding ceremony, the event judges expressed their excitement and overall positive thoughts about the hackathon which was themed “Decentralize Everything.”

Brian Mehler, VC of EOS, said: “Hong Kong is an ideal location to launch the EOS Global Hackathon series, which showcases some of the best talents in the blockchain.” According to him, all participants gave their best beyond their limits to explore the blockchain’s transformational potential.

He also shared that the company is proud to be the catalyst for the development of EOSIO platform. The latter leverages from the hackathon series since all participants aim to design applications with a real-world utility using the EOSIO code. This rule is valid for the upcoming three rounds as well.

The next hackathon is in Sydney and will take place from August 4th until August 5th. Its’ theme is unknown at the moment, but the detailed program is available for people to see on the EOS Hackathon website. Registration is open already for both the Sydney event and the third hackathon in London this September. The location of the fourth round and the Grand Finale remains unknown yet.

Those who are interested still have enough time to enter the next hackathon. EOS invites people from across different industries to join, since the competition is open to everyone, not only developers, and has $1,35 million left in awards.