21 Mar 2025 Samantha McLauren
Webit 2025: How Innovations In Web3 And Artificial Intelligence Are Shaping The Future Of Key Industries And Business
On June 26, Sofia will once again host one of the most anticipated events in the world of innovation – Webit 2025: Web3 and Human-centered AI Edition. This will be a day dedicated to the future, bringing together some of the brightest minds in business, representatives of leading global companies, policymakers, media, and entrepreneurs. They will discuss the latest developments in key business sectors and create new opportunities for growth and sustainable development.
This edition of Webit is entirely focused on the future, where Web3 and artificial intelligence play a key role—impacting industries such as healthcare, finance, entertainment, marketing, and sales. The event will explore how these emerging technologies not only transform industries but also influence the way we live, work, shop, and travel. Webit 2025 will also host some of the world’s most successful high-growth companies as part of the third round of the Webit Founders Games program. Each year, finalists receive up to $6,000,000 in funding and get the opportunity to present at the final event in Davos, during the World Economic Forum, in front of an exclusive audience of some of the world's most prominent funds and investors.
We will also discuss regulations and the opportunities that lie ahead for Bulgaria as an EU member state, which has the potential to gain a significant advantage and play a key role in Europe's development as an investment destination. Additionally, we will explore the tools and strategies needed to bridge the significant gap compared to China and the United States.
Tickets and more information about the 18th anniversary edition of Webit can be found at https://www.webit.org/2025/sofia/!
Web3 Web3 event