Marian sicoe

Crypto, Blockchain

Connecter - Idiom: connect the dots. To draw logical inferences connecting items of information to reveal something previously hidden or unknown. - At some time I learned Italian, German, Spanish, French, would love to learn Chinese/Mandarin, or any other new one. - People skills - Worked with and around people for all my life, curiosity made me an 'Expert Generalist', in a humble way (see Elon Musk, Warren Buffett). - Computer skills - Used all the major websites and services for the last 20 years or so... played online games, used online programs, been admin, moderator on forums, on sites, been around servers, did maintenance and many other things you can do with a PC. - Career Skills - My 'Main Career' history is a decade in Transportation business now, in 2017 thinking about how can we integrate Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain tech in transportation business. - General Skills - *Building a Company *Strategy *Business *Risk management! *Situation management! I got specialized in *Sales *Customer care *Training Personnel and some *Marketing. *Conferences in Transportation, in *Personal Development and moved to *B2B, working with much of the general *Corporate tools, programs and procedures. - 2017-2018 RED project MWAT token successfully sold-out in PreSale on 22th of Jan. - 2017+ Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Consulting + Investing in ICOs or coin long positions + Trading I have used this skills all my life, in extra school /or work projects with other talented people, together as a team.

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