Or Daniel Barmatz
CTO / Technology Director
Self-driven experienced technology advocate with over a decade working in advertising, media, e-commerce, and financial industries around the world. Pitching, negotiating, and leading products from the conceptual stage through planning, architecture, development, testing, integration, deployment, release, and support. A veteran manager with backgrounds in development, design, and marketing. This unique combination has allowed me to grow as a goal driven manager with a full outlook on product and company cycles. In-line with my work, I have spoken at public events and run technology related sessions within companies and for students at universities. Additionally, I have worked with governments and regulators to spearhead new technologies and IT policies. Negotiated deals and supervised deliveries for top financial institutions such as Barclays, Santander, CBA, and Visa. And created successful campaigns for retailers such as Coca-Cola, AIG, Domino’s Pizza, and British Airways. Recent achievements have included securing the UK FCA’s approval of Epiphyte, a Blockchain centric startup, to run live products with financial institutions. It is important to note that Epiphyte is the first company in the world to gain such an approval. My passion for state of the art technology has led me to award-winning companies that are challenging their own field. My recent venture has been to improve the world of banking, and finance as a whole, with new technologies like Bitcoin and Smart contracts. Today I share my knowledge with early-stage startups to help them create and achieve coherent narratives and strong production plans.