Paolo Campegiani
Digital identity expert, focus on EU innovation and international standards
Paolo Campegiani (M) has a Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering from the University of Rome Tor Vergata, with a thesis on resources allocation for cloud architectures. He has been a temporary professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata teaching Computer Science Fundamentals in the Faculty of Engineering. Currently he is an innovation strategist for Bit4id, acting as the first point of contact and program manager for all the innovation activities, overseeing the Konfido project ( and managing EUCLID, a strategic Italian research project to enhance blockchain with digital identity to develop value added services. He is in the Italian standardization body for “Blockchain and Distributed Ledger”, in the ISO TC/307 committee on "Blockchain and Distributed Ledger" and specifically with the “Security, Identity and Privacy” working group, and the CEN/CENELEC focus group on blockchain and distributed ledger. He is member of the Porvoo Group, an international cooperative network whose primary goal is to promote a trans-national, secure, interoperable electronic identity, in order to help ensure secure public and private sector e-transactions in Europe. He is in the technical committee program for the International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, the International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs and Virtualization and in the editorial board of International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems.