Edward Shuvalov

Crypto Beast

A professional trader and investor, with over 5 years of experience and multiple online channels which help individuals with learning, analysing and reviewing. I have multiple channels online which you are free to check out and reference: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cryptobeast.uk https://www.youtube.com/cryptobeast And the official Crypto Beast website: https://www.youtube.com/cryptobeast I have worked togerther with multiple projects to help them grow, such as Credits, nucypher, FireLotto and a new one I have recently been discussing with my community is VEE. Crypto Beast is a brand with a strong team of analytics and advisors but we mainly focus on helping newcomers into the crypto industry, because as the industry grows and so does adoption, the more informed individuals there will be in this industry the better off we will all be. You can get in touch with me through any of the channels I mentioned above and through my website also, where we do ICO advertising helps aswell. Crypto Beast

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