Jürgen Pricken
Chief Operating Officer
Jürgen started in PSK Bank, after Vienna Business School. Later he had several occupations, where he collected experience in various companies. He also was active in several leadership positions. Jürgen co-founded a Viennese local guide and a cross media agency before he finally landed at Tiani Medgraph in 2001. There he gained a lot of experience in software testing, documentation, IHE and was a lead of the service-backend management. As a co-founder of Tiani Spirit, he has experience in the field of interoperability. Jürgen was responsible for partner management, marketing over the last years. In recent years, Jürgen has been working as CMO and has a seat in the executive board of Tiani Spirit. Together with Martin Tiani he developed the grapevine concept and co-founded Grapevine World. In addition, Jürgen is still a member of the IHE MarCom and Steering Committee.