Thayne Taylor

Professional Entrepreneur

I have been a serial entrepreneur mos all my life. Started selling all occasion cards when I was 11, newspapers when I was 13 and sold various other products until I turned eighteen. At eighteen I was drafted into the Army but decided to enlist so I could get the military occupation I wanted - aircraft (helicopter) pilot, however, the Army had other plans and made me a mechanic. Upon getting out I went to a vocational school to learn how to program and operate computers (1974) and continued on to the university to continue my education in computers. I became a programmer proficient in COBOL, Fortran, Assembler, RPG, basic and C++. After a few years, I started a computer time-sharing company that eventually became a software developing company for the Data General computers at the time. I sold that company and moved to Kauai, Hawaii in 1983 and became a scuba instructor and boat captain. I met my wife in 1989 when she was applying for the first shellfish growers license in Hawaii known as Kauai Sea Farm, LLC. We ran that business until hurricane Iniki then started Hawaii OnLine in 1992. HOL became the largest internet service provider (ISP) and we sold it in 1996. The company that acquired us put my wife and me on a three-year contract after which we moved to Colorado for three years then moved back to Kauai where we are now. We are now in the process of restarting Kauai Sea Farm and I am also managing our investments in oil, real estate, stocks, and cryptocurrencies.

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