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Bigcoinvietnam fund

Bigcoinvietnam Company is one of biggest venture capital funds in Vietnam focusing on blockchain industry. We are also a conscientious communication partner and consultant for ICO, crypto projects in terms of various marketing services. Bigcoinvietam Company has been established on March, 2017 aimed to help investors who are interested in cryptocurrencies market and ICO projects to analyze, evaluate and be trained for a smart investment. CEO and Founder of Bigcoinvietnam who graduated from a prestigious Economics University in Vietnam, Mr. Nguyen Van Cuong studied and invested in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies from the end of 2015. With knowledge and passion for Blockchain technologies: 1.0 and 2.0, recently Blockchain 3.0 as well as his great influence in the Vietnamese business market, he hopes that he can support ICO projects possessing solid, advanced technology, potential reality applications, but not strong in branding, marketing even poor ones can reach the community interests, especially in his hometown. As a result, the company is considered as a bridge between the project’s team - customers, investors, bringing a brilliant connection between them. Details: The Company aims to make efficient marketing strategies for potential projects, including a long-term and start up ones in and outside Vietnam as well as to attract investors for a successful capital mobilising. The Company has done a number of marketing campaigns, a most recent one is for CREDITS project. Although this company has not promoted image advertisement widely effectively, Bigcoinvietnam has exploited out the potentials in terms of development, technology and a knowledgeable team of the project. Within only 2 months, Bigcoinvietnam has advertised CREDITS project information to Vietnam community. Some of highlighted information should be mentioned below, you can check the traffic level of those news. In terms of customers, Bigcoinvietnam is a prestigious address and consultant to trust, believe. We will help any customers’ demand related to cryptocurrencies market in particular and blockchain knowledge in general. Services:  Package 1 – Document translation: (website, news, video…) updating every day.  Package 2 – Communication partner: Bigcoinvietnam makes plan for marketing campaign running in Vietnam (translating information then advertising information of the project in all Bigcoinvietnam’s channels, famous local news, promoting advertisements in Google Ad, Facebook, designing review video…)  Package 3 – Investment partner: Bigcoinvietnam is a big fund ICO in Vietnam, we are capable of mobilizing capital fast. In this package, Bigcoinvietnam does make plan for marketing campaign as well. COOPERATION FOR DEVELOPMENT! Payment method can be your tokens or Etherium. Bigcoinvietnam is also willing to invest more on your project if it is extremely promising and your choices is Package 3. Contact:  Website: bigcoinvietnam.com  Email: [email protected] or [email protected]  Facebook page: Bigcoinvietnam.com - Team Phân Tích Coin Chuyên Nghiệp  Telegram group: Bigcoin Việt Nam  Youtube channel: BigCoin Việt Nam  Skype: ntthand93 *Remark: The method payment can be Etherium or your project tokens. Fees, expenses we will pay by our own fiat currency. COOPERATION FOR DEVELOPMENT! Please contact us to have the most efficient method to expand your project, particularly in Southeast Asia market.

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