Crypto Experts
The list of experts who are the driving force behind the blockchain and cryptocurrency revolution.
Sebastian Cochinescu
PhD candidate on blockchain studies
Stephen Young
Founder and CTO at TrigID Incorporated
Steven Ormond-Smith
ICO Advisor, Blockchain start-ups, Chartered Certified Accoutant
Sofia Mashovets
Taylan Pince
Lead Developer
Shivam Gupta
Marketing and PR Strategist for ICOs And Blockchain Consultant
Sumit Singhal
Techno-Functional Blockchain and Data Science Consultant
Tharaka Perera
ICO Advisor
Tahir Yüksel
Senior Designer
Thien To
CEO & Founder
Vasilii Artemev
Technology Expert
Vladymyr Gladkyi
Vincent Birot
Vice President Business Legal Affairs at SelfPay
Thorben Biesenbach
CEO of TravelerToken
Tom LaPlante
CEO Swing Golf
Abraham Kim
Zaheer Merali
Strategic Advisor
Adithya Thota
ICO Launch Specialist